Friday, July 25, 2008

SCI Final Sessions

It's hard to believe another summer has almost gone by, and with it, the second annual Summer Choral Institute is coming to a close. If you haven't attended a session yet, you have two more chances, so sign up and go!

Session 3, Peace and Paradise: Requiems by Faure and Rutter, runs August 7-9. This is the last full length session that ends in a concert, so if you want to perform in Libby this summer, make sure to sign up for this session.

The last part of Session 4, the Choral Masterworks session that has been running all summer, is on August 5 and will focus on several different opera choruses. I've seen the music for this session, and it looks like it will be tons of fun!

Don't let the summer pass you by without participating in at least one session of SCI. It's well worth the time and money. You won't be sorry if you go!

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