Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Thanks very much to Jan for putting together the closing banquet tonight. It was a great way to close out a successful season! I enjoyed myself this year and I hope you all did as well.

If you're worried about keeping yourself singing over the summer, have no fear! Even though the official season is over, there are still plenty of SLCA events to keep you busy throughout the next few months. I'll do my best to keep updating the blog with information about SCI sessions as they arise, and anything else that might be of interest, so keep checking in!

Thanks again, and I'll see you all in the fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I marvel at the level of class and quality of almost everything to do with the choir. That is why little things that don't measure up in my estimation stand out so vividly, I suppose.
I love our e-newsletter and for that reason I cringed when I learned that the naming of it would be put up to a vote before the entire choir -- and now that the votes have been cast I am still cringing. The Schwa!!??

My cringing led me to the writing of the following doggerel:

Ode to the Tiniest Vowel (on the occasion of becoming the name of the SlCA e-newsletter – with apologies to Ogden Nash )

Twinkle, twinkle little schwa.
Your light is faint your sound is blah.
Inverted e’s your claim to rarity.
In music you’ve no singularity.
In fact, you’re often barely audible.
In the trash you’re all too wadible --
A trifling, boring, piddling tick,
Away from zero just one click.
Mickey-Mouse and rinky-dink,
To miss you, one must simply blink.
To keep you in your proper place,
Brady weekly makes his case:
He knows you always strive to sound
Like a real vowel, full and round.
Where’s a good association?
Some appropriate connotation?
I’m at a loss I must defer
To someone who is cleverer.
Now, tiny thing, you must be proud.
Too bad you cannot sing out loud,
With joy at such incongruous fame.
And all because we sought a name.
Nothing normal, that won’t do.
Something clever, something new!
Your name is blazoned on the Web!
Your fame will flow instead of ebb!
The uninitiated may
Wonder what it means, but hey!
It’s just for members; it’s okay.
Of course, the masthead mentions “friends.” ( A Newsletter for Members and Friends of Salt Lake Choral Artists)
Could explanations make amends?
In choosing names, a rule of thumb
Is: “Gotta explain? It’s probably dumb.”
The trouble with these inside jokes,
We look like snobs not friendly folks.
So now some may begin to wonder:
Was is clever or a blunder
Not naming our first-rate newsletter
Something less unique but better.
And others will think me a ditz
For finding fault and picking nits.